Son of Waves Screenplay.

"Son of Waves" : A Screenplay / Short Story by Dylan Tauber.

A story with original photography, digital art, and illustration, about Son of Waves, 12 Dolphins to save the planet, David The Visionary on the beach in Tel Aviv, a digital messiah, and an internet of Love.

Released 3/30/18

Release 1.8, 8/31/18

4/17/18 - Audiobook:

Easy Audio Player

Play Son of Waves 2.0 Soundtrack by Dylan Tauber:

All writing, photographs, digital art, and music, copyright © 2018-2020. All rights reserved by Dylan Tauber.

About Dylan Tauber

Dylan Tauber is an award-winning electronic musician, artist and author who began his prolific career in 1996 after graduating from Columbia University. He operates a network of 21 websites, an online imaging and photo gallery, and a video archive that has attained over 2.7 million page views. He's released two books, two eBooks, 12 music albums, and a picture book of his photography and digital art. His music has been featured on more than 70 radio stations, reviewed in over 40 music publications, and his music video, "He Loves Carmen Remix" was shown on Channel 98 TV in Israel.

Contact Details:

Name: Dylan Tauber



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All work © copyright, 2018-2019, by Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios. All rights reserved.

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